Baltic Association of the History and Philosophy of Science

Statement of Support for Ukrainian Colleagues

XXXI Baltic Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Tartu 2024

Scientific Instruments in History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine

University of Tartu, Estonia, 13-15 June 2024

This international conference aims to bring together scholars researching various areas in history and philosophy of science and medicine to our beautiful city of Tartu (Dorpat), Estonia. The year of 2024 has an important place in the history of the University of Tartu as we will be celebrating 200 years since the arrival of world's best telescope - the Great Dorpat Refractor which was used by astronomer and geodesist Friedrich G. W. Struve to make many important discoveries and studies for 19th century science. Thanks to the contributions of Struve and other researchers, the Tartu Old Observatory is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as it was the starting point for measuring the Struve Geodetic Arc.

Our main aim is to discuss the scientific instruments and their historical and philosophical implications.


Practical Information


Anu Rae (
Executive Secretary of the Organization Committee

Since the end of the 30th Baltic Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science in Oulu Peeter Müürsepp, the Chairperson of the Estonian Association assumed presidency of BAHPS until the next conference in Tartu in 2024.
BAHPS 2022 General Assembly minutes
BAHPS 2022 Program and Abstracts